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Prosperity Publications' Partnership Publishing Process

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At our core, we are dedicated to fostering collaboration between authors and publishers to craft outstanding literary works. Bid farewell to the antiquated publishing norms where publishers dictated terms and bore the financial burden alone. Our revolutionary partnership publishing approach ensures your active involvement, transforming your book idea into a refined masterpiece.

As your publishing ally, we bring to the table not only resources but also a wealth of expertise to strategically market and distribute your book both online and offline. Let us assist you in constructing a robust author platform that resonates with a broader audience. Together, we will sculpt a tailor-made marketing plan, liberating you to focus on your craft while we strategically connect your book with the right readers. Operating as a partnership publishing entity, we share both risks and rewards, placing your success at the forefront of our priorities.

Our Prosperity publishing process is meticulously designed to offer authors and publishers a structured and collaborative approach, maximizing a book’s potential for success in the fiercely competitive publishing industry.

Step into a structured journey with us:

Step 1: Proposal Submission

Authors initiate the process by submitting a detailed publishing proposal to Prosperity staff. This proposal serves as a vital tool to convey the book’s vision, objectives, and target audience. It allows the staff to evaluate how well the project aligns with the organization’s mission and operations. 

The proposal should provide comprehensive details on the book’s engagement with the audience, market positioning, and the strategic use of resources for development and promotion. Authors can expect a response within 30-60 working days. View our imprints descriptions here.

Step 2: Craft Your Proposal

When crafting the proposal, ensure it includes not only a concise email but also your CV, sample chapters, and a comprehensive overview that offers editors and marketing staff a clear understanding of your book’s content. 

Cover critical aspects like a three-paragraph description of the work, a detailed chapter outline, estimated word count, target audience definition, and a discussion of comparable publications in the field. Provide insights into the completion status of the material and an estimated timeline. If you have any questions or need help, schedule a discovery call, go here.

Step 3: Submit Query

Compose a single query letter/email to our team, containing a  compelling description of your proposed book and its intended audience. This information should be  presented in a Microsoft Word document or a PDF file. View our submission guidelines here.

Step 4: Proposal Review Process

Upon receiving your proposal, the editor will conduct a thorough review of all materials. Only submit the first 3-5 chapters of the book, if available. If your project aligns with Prosperity’s interests, they will express interest and may request additional materials if necessary. It’s crucial to note that only digitally submitted materials are accepted at this stage, and fully drafted manuscripts should not be sent. 

Step 5: Initial Discussion and Alignment

The first crucial step is an initial discussion between the author and the publisher. This discussion aims to align their goals, vision, and expectations for the project. It includes defining the target audience, determining the book’s genre, assessing market potential, and exploring the author’s objectives. This stage sets the foundation for a productive and mutually beneficial partnership.

Step 6: Project Assessment and Planning

The author and publisher collaboratively assess the book project in this initial phase. They delve into aspects such as potential, target audience, market viability, and the author’s goals. Discussions cover the book’s genre, scope, length, and overall vision. The publisher provides valuable insights on market trends, competition, and positioning to help refine the book’s concept.


Step 7: Submit Your Full Manuscript

Once your proposal is approved, you can proceed to submit your full-length manuscript and fees based on service level agreements. The author’s portal has detailed steps for gathering and submitting the required material. View the author’s portal here.

Step 8: Contract and Legal Matters

With both parties in agreement on the project’s parameters, drafting a clear and comprehensive contract becomes essential. This contract outlines rights, responsibilities, publishing timeline for your book and other legal matters. 

Step 9: Editorial Development

During this step, the publisher assigns an editor to work closely with the author. The editor provides constructive feedback and guidance to enhance the manuscript’s content, structure, language, and overall readability. Collaborative efforts between the author and editor refine the manuscript to its best possible version. View our publishing timeline for new books.

Step 10: Design and Production

Once the manuscript is finalized, the publisher’s design and production team take over. They collaborate with the author to create an appealing cover design, choose appropriate typography, and format the interior layout. 

The team also manages technical aspects like typesetting, proofreading, and obtaining necessary permissions, ISBNs and Library of Congress numbers. The author is actively involved in decision-making, providing feedback and approvals throughout this process.

Step 11: Marketing and Promotion

In this step, the publisher’s marketing team develops a comprehensive plan targeting readers through various campaigns and collaborations. 

Market research is conducted, and strategies are devised to reach potential readers. This may involve online and offline marketing campaigns, book signings, media outreach, social media promotion, and collaborations with influencers or experts in the book’s subject matter. View a sample of a marketing plan.

The author actively participates in promotional activities, leveraging their networks and engaging with readers. Here is a list of things the author can use to build a following on social media and create a buzz surrounding the book.

Step 12: Distribution and Sales

The publisher handles the book’s distribution and sales, making it available to retailers, wholesalers, and online platforms. They coordinate with distributors, set up distribution channels, and ensure proper inventory management. 

The publisher also implements pricing strategies, negotiates deals with retailers, and monitors sales performance. The author may support sales efforts by participating in events, book tours, or interviews to generate buzz and increase visibility. View the marketing plan as a guide for you to help with promotions.

Step 13: Launch and Distribution

The final step is the official launch and distribution of the book. The publisher coordinates the release date and ensures that the book is available in physical and digital formats through various sales channels, including bookstores, online retailers, and e-book platforms. The author and publisher may also organize launch events, book tours, or virtual engagements to generate buzz and maximize exposure. Here is a website that keeps a list of all upcoming events.

Step 14: Evaluate and Improve

After the book’s release, the publisher and author evaluate its performance based on sales, reader feedback, and critical reviews. The team will analyze the effectiveness of marketing and distribution strategies and identify areas for improvement. 

The publisher continues to provide ongoing support to the author, assisting with additional marketing initiatives, rights licensing, and potential adaptations, such as audiobooks or translations. The author and publisher may explore opportunities for future collaborations or book projects.

It’s essential to note that our partnership publishing process can vary depending on the author’s and publishing companies’ specific agreement.  These steps provide a general framework, but the details and timelines may differ based on the nature of the partnership and the publishing company’s procedures.

Contact Prosperity Publications for Publishing Services

You can schedule a Clarity Call here to discuss the book project.

You can find out more about the partners and the company here.

“Rooted in the African-American Literary Tradition.” 

Mission Statement: Prosperity Publications is an African American publishing company committed to preserving history, strengthening communities, and creating a lasting legacy. We empower talented authors, writers, and poets by giving them a platform to share their voices and stories, fostering black excellence. Through community engagement and cultural preservation, we inspire positive change and empower individuals.

Vision: We envision Prosperity Publications as the premier publishing company amplifying diverse voices and narratives within the African American community. Our goal is to cultivate a literary landscape that celebrates black culture, history, and achievements. We aspire to inspire readers, challenge societal norms, and contribute to a more inclusive and enlightened world by providing a nurturing space for talented writers to thrive.

Purpose: At Prosperity Publications, our purpose is multifaceted. Firstly, we are dedicated to providing a voice and platform for talented authors, writers, and poets who align with our vision and values. We aim to inspire, entertain, and empower readers by showcasing their works.

We strive to preserve history by documenting, sharing, and celebrating the stories and experiences of the African American community. We must ensure that these narratives are passed down to future generations.

We are committed to uplifting communities by actively engaging in partnerships with non-profit organizations supporting the disadvantaged, schools, community organizations, and educators. By collaborating with book clubs nationwide, we support our authors and promote literacy, contributing to the advancement of equity and social justice.

Unleash Your Literary Brilliance: Publish with Us! Experience personalized author support, diverse book formats, and copyright registration. Our distribution includes Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram, and more. We offer unique services like editing and marketing to amplify your book’s potential. Join us on this literary journey to unlock your creation’s full potential. Publish with us and set new standards of excellence in books.